Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Know What You Signed Up For

          I love it when people in the army get divorced because "this isn't what they signed up for." Um, yeah it was.  You can't tell me in the dating phase you didn't realize there was a war, they have the most unpredictable schedules, and your schedule is never taken into consideration.  Liar, liar, pants on fire.  I am sitting here at 4:34 am writing this post. My husband had to be up at 3:00 am for the second day in a row to help pull medical coverage for All American Week. Not my plans to still be up, but it just works that way. So what do I do? I adjust.  Laundry, dishes, book reading, getting the kids snacks ready for today, and picking my clothes out for work (the hardest thing of the morning).  I have been through a few deployments, one in which I was pregnant and raising a my first child to 9 months without my husband. I have basically run this household and raised my kids, but we are still a family - a family of the army I say. Nick does what they say and I do the rest :) - not typical I know - but we make it work.
         Ah the role of a military wife. Not what I planner, but it is what it is, and it is all mine. I will make the best of it and I will do it as best as I can. I support, encourage, and feed most all soldiers that make their way into my life. They are family - no matter what.  Now it is time to shower and read the book in which I have chosen for this week.  "Created To Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl on recommendation from another military wife who understands the struggles we all go through.  It is great and that is why I am going to leave you for it.  Till next time..

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